Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur, adult perched on stick

Bon voyage and see you next spring!

Summer is slowly drifting into autumn and for Turtle Doves that means it is time to switch landscapes all together, as they head south-west into Europe and eventually Africa, to spend the autumn and winter.

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Turtle Dove perched in Hawthorn (c) Ben Andrew (rspb-images.com)

Big news - Turtle Dove numbers in Western Europe are on the up!

We’re celebrating some excellent news for Turtle Doves – the western European population of Turtle Doves increased by an incredible 25% following two years of a hunting ban in France, Spain and Portugal that began in 2021.

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Operation Turtle Dove advisors

Meet the team

Meet some of our amazing advisors, working with farmers and other land managers to help provide suitable Turtle Dove habitats in southern and eastern England.

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Turtle Dove perched in a tree, surrounded by blossom.

Talking Turtle Doves – we answer some frequently asked questions

Operation Turtle Dove is working with hundreds of people – farmers, land managers, communities and a whole host of volunteers – to create the right habitat conditions to allow Turtle Doves to thrive once more. We’ve set out some frequently asked questions and their answers to help shed some light on Turtle Doves, how they’re faring and how we are helping them.

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Turtle Doves (Streptopelia turtur) have declined dramatically in the UK and reduced almost everywhere else in their European range.

However, we now know the key problems faced by Turtle Doves and what conservation action needs to be taken, and Operation Turtle Dove is optimistic that we can reverse the fortunes of this enigmatic and culturally significant bird.

You can play a part in their recovery.

Blog: Turtle Dove Talk

Bon voyage and see you next spring!

August 30, 2024
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Big news – Turtle Dove numbers in Western Europe are on the up!

August 8, 2024
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How can I help turtle doves on my land?

Providing habitat is a vital component of turtle dove conservation. If you farm or manage land, there are a number of ways in which you can help support the species and benefit your rural business while doing so. Options can include:

How to see a turtle dove

Turtle doves are in the UK – predominantly the east and south east of England -from April to September every year. Here are some ways you can get involved:

Ways you can help


Your shopping choices can help give turtle doves a home

Create habitat

You can provide turtle doves with habitat they need on your farm or in your garden

Log a sighting

Seen a turtle dove? Log your sighting on Birdtrack


Your donation will help us to save this iconic bird from extinction in the UK