Bon voyage and see you next spring!

Bramble bushes are laden with berries, spiders’ webs are catching early morning dew and the flowers of earlier in the year have transformed into crisp seedheads – summer is slowly drifting into autumn. For us that means seeing the countryside shift from the greens and yellows of spring and summer to the reds and oranges of autumn. But for Turtle Doves, it means its time to switch landscapes all together, as they head south-west into Europe and eventually Africa, to spend the autumn and winter.

Taking flight
For chicks that fledged this summer, this will be their first migration, and what a journey!

Research using tracking devices tells us that the birds will fly through south-west Europe (France, Spain and Portugal) and cross into North Africa, usually via Morocco. The birds will then make their way down to the floodplains of the Senegal, Niger and other rivers in Senegal, Gambia, Mali and Mauritania.

They’ll be exchanging the scrub, hedgerows, fields and meadows of southern and eastern England for prickly Acacia thickets and savannahs. You can watch a video of their journeys here.

Young Turtle Dove perched on a branch

For Turtle Dove chicks that fledged this summer, this will be their first migration. (c) Ben Andrew (

Fantastic news
The first stage of this incredible journey has been made safer in recent years thanks to temporary hunting bans put in place in France, Spain and Portugal.

The bans came into place in 2021 and have been renewed every year since, including this year. We know that tackling what were unsustainable levels of hunting is already making a difference – the Western European population of Turtle Doves increased by 25% following just two years of the bans.

It’s incredible news for everyone involved in Turtle Dove conservation and a great motivator to do all we can to improve their breeding habitats here, in anticipation of more birds eventually reaching the UK from a growing Western European population.

Reflections on a busy spring and summer
Throughout the year, Operation Turtle Dove’s team of advisors works with farmers, land managers and communities in southern and eastern England to help them to create good quality Turtle Dove habitats. As we wish a fond farewell to the Turtle Doves that have spent the summer with us, it’s a good opportunity to reflect on what has been a very busy season.

For Shivani Thevar, the Operation Turtle Dove advisor for west Kent and Sussex, it’s been a really productive period. “This season has been so positive. The news of the Western European Turtle Dove population growing by 25% has given so much hope and positivity. I’ve been involved in many different projects and even when work is in the early stages, you know that it’s part of something much bigger – we can really make a difference for Turtle Doves!

And for Mark Nowers, Operation Turtle Dove advisor for Essex, it has been a really rewarding few months: “This season feels like a corner is being turned. In the core areas where we are really focussed, reports of birds have increased. Some of these records come from birdwatchers, but most are from the farmers themselves and you can sense the excitement and pride when they tell you.

Two Turtle Doves perched on a wooden fence.

Operation Turtle Dove’s team of advisors works with farmers, land managers and communities in southern and eastern England to help them to create good quality Turtle Dove habitats. (c) Ben Andrew (

More work to be done
With the Turtle Doves well on their way to Africa, there’s lots to be done before they return next year. Our advisors will continue to work with farmers, land managers and communities to help create Turtle Dove habitats – from establishing feeding plots to creating and restoring ponds, it’s going to be a busy autumn and winter!

If you’d like to get involved in helping Turtle Doves in southern or eastern England, please get in touch with your local Turtle Dove advisor, or visit our advice pages to find out more about what you can do to help.

Thank you to everyone who has been helping Turtle Doves this year – this is a huge team effort and we’re making a real difference for this special bird.